It takes great skill and a oneness with the force to wield a lightsaber properly
Training and the guidance of a dedicated master is essential
There is no Luke without Yoda no Obi-Wan Kenobi without qui-gon Jinn and no Darth Vader without Darth Sidious
Now with the lightsaber Academy interactive battling system kids can imagine becoming Jedi and Sith apprentices as they choose their masters and try to become experts in lightsaber combat
With this lightsaber Academy app and interactive battle lightsaber kids can train with the greatest Jedi and Sith in the galaxy battle legendary Masters and go head to head against friends
The lightsaber’s smart-hilt technology connects with the app to track the angle speed and accuracy of users moves
A kyber crystal in the hilt lets kids switch between Masters and select their favorite
These features and more Make this a truly versatile and interactive lightsaber role-play experience
Star Wars products are produced by Hasbro under license from Lucasfilm Ltd
Hasbro and all related terms are trademarks of Hasbro
Lightsaber Academy app works with select Android and iPhone iPad iPod touch devices
App not guaranteed to be compatible with any future operating systems or devices
See apps hasbro com for app availability and compatibility with supported devices and operating systems
Website and app not available in all languages or countries