The schleich® Haflinger mare turns heads everywhere she goes! Doesn’t the bright red bow look pretty in her flowing white mane Show your love of horses –add a Haflinger mare figurine to your schleich® horse toy collection!

The friendly Haflinger mare trots happily across the meadow. Does she want to go for a ride today Why else has she dressed up so finely Doesn’t she look pretty with the red bow in her white mane. I wonder if her friends have already discovered the little bow in her tail. She definitely wants to be seen, that’s for sure!

Additional Information

  • AUTHENTIC DESIGN. schleich® toy horses are famous for looking like the real thing, and this toy Haflinger is no exception.
  • QUALITY YOU CAN SEE & FEEL. Beautiful craftsmanship and durable materials –because kids don’t always play as gently as this sweet-natured horse.
  • STUNNING DETAILS. From forelock to flank, every toy Haflinger from schleich® is realistic for a lifetime of play, horse-y love and storytelling fun.
  • GIFTS FOR HORSE LOVERS. The best horse gifts for kids celebrate the bond between horse and rider—like this precious toy Haflinger figure from schleich®.
  • FOSTER A LOVE OF RIDING. Kids who play with schleich® toy horses learn an appreciation for horsemanship, riding, and the love of a horse.

Content 1x Haflinger Mare

Age Recommendation 5-12 years

Weight .10 kg
Dimensions 13 × 11 × 5 cm





